Coding Well And Peopling Well

Working with people who don’t code very well is always a big anti-pairing boogeyman for folks, but working with people who don’t people very well is very much more difficult. Is there a skill-factor in pairing well? Sure there is: it’s the skill your mom invoked when she said, "Use your words, honey, use your […]

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TDD Pro-Tip: Wrap Containers Early & Often

TDD Pro-Tip: Wrap framework collection classes early and often. The Primitive Obsession smell is ubiquitous around collections, and not seeing and fixing it can greatly hamper productivity. In HollywoodSimulator, a common act of every Person is to spend time manipulating their little black book — the collection of the contacts they have. The first-pass way

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My Agility 2: The Made-For?

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series Defining Agile

Seen a few soft murmurings about the idea that the made, the making, and the maker includes the made-for. That’s good. If the idea doesn’t work, let’s change it so it does. I do want to toss some grist into the mill that might have impact. In some of what i’m seeing, "children" could easily

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My Agility 1: A Working Formulation

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series Defining Agile

A formulation I’m trying out today: "my agility is an autopoietic community centered around the triple balancing of the made, the making, and the makers." there’s odd terms in it, and also missing ones, so I feel like pushing it around a little out loud. Obviously, the least ordinary term there is the a-word. Autopoeisis

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