Trade Collapse Begins?

I’ve oft mentioned how the twin cost-revolutions in geekery warped & nearly destroyed our trade. Then wondered if we’ll get to a place where it’s no longer profitable for most companies to write bad software poorly. This morning I wonder if I’m seeing the beginning of it. I don’t have any facts & figures for

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On Not Knowing

When I was a wee lad, 28, 29, 30, I knew the C Windows API by heart. I had, in my bathroom, both the technical docs and a copy of Petzold, and I knew it cold, stone cold. Every one of the ~500 calls, all of the arguments, and for most of them, the order

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Robot Worlds E01: Getting Started

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Robot Worlds

Robot Worlds: Getting Started Welcome to the new Robot Worlds project! My friends at We Think Code have cooked up a nice little problem for their students, a client/server version of a simple robot worlds simulation. This new series isn’t a solution video, not exactly: but it’s intended as an example of how a cranky

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Me, Gary, and TDD

True story: Eighteen or so years ago, I had a gig rolling code at an engineering company. We were writing a windows app using Microsoft Foundation Classes to drive a TTY interface to a box of various radio hardware junk. I was gigged in by a guy I’d taught a c;ass (in MFC) to, because

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